Thursday, June 02, 2005

My Feet Hurt.

What a hectic day THAT was! I walked in the door @ 8:40 and one of the girls says, "Oh my god I'm glad you're here! I think I broke the internet!" She went on to explain that she can't get ANY of the computers to connect to the internet. Then she answered her own questions (and the few I had) by saying that "I called the DSL company and they said that starting today customers have to sign in with their full account user name and password, but don't you need software for that?" I told her Not if you use a router and PPE or something. (PPPoE). Mind you - I am NOT the I.T. person in the office...

I was able to figure out how to put the router IP address in the browser and get to its little sign in page but NOBODY knew the password. I tried all of the things that would be obvious. Nothing worked. So we all ran around explaining to the account reps that NO they can't have it NOW because there is no internet. That means that if someone e-mailed you something, it is stuck. You can't go get it until its fixed so go away and stop harassing me about it. This woman (top account rep brings in all the big accounts for donations and such) must have asked me about it EVERY hour.
Mood: BRAIN-DEAD-tired | Music: The Black Eyed Peas - Lets Get Retarded

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