Sunday, June 17, 2012

I'm working my way back in...

I still love Bert, and I have a feeling that I always will. He posted (I believe it was yesterday), and he seems so unlike himself. Sad, and withdrawn -- and that is really not his style. I am concerned for him. I plan to more-or-less corner him and see if I can get him to meet with me somewhere so I can get him to talk about all that is plaguing him.

I feel bad, because this is a hard time of year for me, and I tend to shut-down and not pay attention to anyone else in the world, kind of just simmering in my own sorrow. Sometimes I forget that he was involved in all of that - and he lost as much as I did -- although I don't think I have EVER admitted that until now.

Anyway -- I'm gonna try to get him out of his house THIS AFTERNOON, if possible.