Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Just Kill Me Now.

I've been very very busy this past week or so. The office is a disaster. These people have no concept of anything at all.

The current office manager walks me into her 'office' and points to a stack of paper (no lie, it was almost knee high) and said, "I need you to 'help me' make an organized file system for this stuff."

You have got to be kidding me. Have you at LEAST organized it by CLIENT? (nope.) So I fetched an intern (they have three... each of them seem to only be used for trips to the office supply store and to get lunch - crap like that). I hand this intern a sheet of paper with an outline I had written on it, indicating how I'd like to see the stack(s) broken down. [Break it down by Client, (then sort them by date, oldest invoices on the bottom most recent on the top). Then put the invoices older than 2 years in folders and in a file box (labeled as old invoices with the year(s) dates). You get the idea.] (hopefully).

The intern has been working on this (read that: moving papers around cluelessly) for a week. When I checked on the progress, said intern had managed to sort all of these pages by year. (mixed clients in each stack.)

If you have access to a poison that won't cause me a great deal of suffering when ingested, please let me know and we can work out some type of shipping arrangement.
Mood: Disappointed | Music: Lifehouse - Simon

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