I remember meeting him for the first time. It was at my sister's. My brother in law had invited a friend over, my sister had invited me over. To this day I am still not sure it wasn't a planned "fix up".
He was fairly quiet, but not in the sense that he was unfriendly or didn't talk. He seemed to walk around and talk to everyone at the party. What stood out most - or what I noticed right away was the sound of his laugh.
At different intervals during that evening, I could hear it over the voices of the other guests. It made me smile, without even knowing what had made him laugh. It just had that quality to it. I couldn't help but smile each time I heard it that night.
We spoke briefly that evening. He joined me out on the deck when I had escaped another party guest. It was several weeks before I saw him again - the second time was at my sister's home, like the time before. The second time was a lot more intimate since there were only 6 people there rather than 20-30.
We talked about many things - and shared a few stories. and best of all - we laughed. I thought about him today when I heard a laugh that was similar. I was tempted to call him just to see if it would still have that affect on me.
Mood: Complacent | Music: Nnenna Freelon - If I Had You